Young Families


The Parent Challenge

Parents – There is so much excitement (or fear) implied in this title. One thing for sure, a new parent would appreciate all the help they could get. The QikEasy smart switch has multiple features that will provide parents with a helping hand.

In Control while you are handful

Similar to other smart switches, QikEasy switch allows you to use voice to control your lights and other appliances with Alexa or Google Home.


QikEasy Smart Switch is the only one with a proximity sensor. This means you can control the light by putting your hand or arm against the sensor WITHOUT touching it. The proximity sensor works perfectly even when your hands are dirty or when you are wearing gloves.  When you get into the nursery  in the middle of the night for a diaper change and your hands are dirty, you don’t have to call the smart speaker to turn off the light and wake up the baby is already half-asleep.

Remote Control of Crib Mobile

The built in Infrared Remote (IR) control can be activated by smart phone or voice via smart speaker to control the IR capable crib mobile. The remote control operated crib is a must have for a lot of parents as it is a sleep saver; being able to control it via voice in a different room brings it up to an entirely a different level. When you hear your baby’s voice in the nursery, you can command the IR transmitter on the QikEasy switch via smart speaker to switch on the IR capable crib mobile to comfort your precious baby.

The Night Light

The night-light lets you get in and out of the nursery without disturbing the sleeping beauty. When you want to check the diaper in the middle of the night without waking up your precious baby, you can turn on the Night Light remotely by voice or via your smart phone. While studies have shown that the best colour for baby night-light is orange or red glow, it may not fit your specific case. The QikEasy switch has a built in night-light complete with color picker to suit your personal preference and the color scheme of your nursery.

The QikEasy Switch Advantages for Parents

  • Better hygiene with hand-free operation
  • Voice control
  • Next room toy control with Infrared
  • Safety with night light