QikEasy STEM Products


At NovaVolta, our mission is to make “STEM” education accessible  both inside and outside of the classroom with innovative products.  Our QikEasy line of STEM products feature accessories and new sensors that are compatible with LEOG Spike Prime and other i2c-compatible robots.  See below for our line-up of products.

The Perfect Sensor for RoboCup Soccer

Finally, an accurate, reliable yet affordable solution for RoboCup Junior Soccer competitions.

QikEasy IR Seeker is the perfect RoboCup Jr IR soccer sensor designed to work with both LEGO Spike Prime and other robotic systems.


Drawing on our team’s previous experience in creating Spike Prime add-on devices, our newly developed QikEasy IR Seeker significantly outperforms other similar products available on the market:


    • Remarkable accuracy in detecting the direction of the IR Ball
    • Exceptionally stable that it never crashes
    • More budget-friendly compared to other sensors on the market

QikEasy Adapter

QikEasy Adapter enables you to use your EV devices on LEGO Spike Prime.

Simply Plug in your EV3 device & start working with your Spike Prime hub.

100% Hassle-Free Plug and Play
  • 100% Plug-n-Play
  • Hardware Level protocol translation
  • Fully compatible with Word Blocks and not just Python
  • It just works. Using an EV3 cable and a Spike Prime cable, you simply need to plug in the EV3 device on one end, and Spike Prime (or Robot Inventor) hub on the other.